6 Best Multivitamins for Poultry in Nigeria With Their Prices

Posted by: Samuel Ezenwankwo 4 years, 2 months ago/ (4 comments)

 A multivitamin is a preparation intended to serve as a dietary supplement with vitamins, dietary minerals, and other nutritional elements. Such preparations are available in the form of tablets, capsules, pastilles, powders, liquids, or injections. Although, most multivitamins poultry in Nigeria are mostly in powder and liquid forms.

However,  a good multivitamin for broilers and layers must contain the essential vitamins and minerals in the right proportion for optimal performance. Deficiency of one or more vitamins/minerals can lead to a number of diseases or syndromes, stunted growth, and poor egg quality

Also read: 8 Best poultry feeds in Nigeria with their prices for optimal birds' growth

Therefore, it is crucial you buy a poultry multivitamin product that contains the right vitamins and minerals. In fact, there are some essential vitamins and minerals that I must look out for while buying my multivitamins and I advise you to do the same. Some of these multivitamins are multivitamins optimize for broiler and layer performances.  

Essential vitamins and minerals you must look out for in  any Multivitamins brand you must buy

Fat-soluble Vitamins Water-Soluble Vitamins Minerals
Vitamin A Thiamine (B1) Calcium
Vitamin D Riboflavin (B2) Phosphorus
Vitamin E Pantothenic Acid Magnesium
Vitamin K Niacin Manganese
Choline Iron 
Vitamin B12 Copper
Folic Acid Iodine
Biotin Zinc and Cobalt

You can get your various Multivitamins for poultry online at afrimash 

The best poultry multivitamins in Nigeria should contain the above-listed vitamins and minerals to ensure optimal growth and performance.

Don’t just go to the market and pick up any product offered to you, especially the beginners in poultry farming, because there are so many adulterated products in the market. For this reason, I have researched the 6  best poultry multivitamins for broilers and layers in Nigeria.


Although, my case study was not scientific or require any detailed criteria, but based on farmers opinion and choice, which was done online. So, please don’t be disappointed if your brand was not mentioned.

The result was purely unbiased. I know why I am making it clear because some persons were questioning the case study I did on the best poultry feed in Nigeria which took the same procedure as this.

The best 6 multivitamins for poultry might not be the best in terms of other criteria but they have proven to stand the test of time in the market and a majority of farmers have attested to their efficacy. 


 Also read: 6 smart tips to increase the bodyweight of your broiler chicken

How the case study was done

So, I asked a question on a  Facebook group called Profitable Poultry Farming, Nigeria.   It is the largest poultry farming facebook group in Nigeria I know, with over 200k plus members.

The question was: Name your best 3 poultry multivitamins. 

So I have to include those that I have used, which are Vitalyte, Anazeb, and Maxiyield, as you can see in the picture below.


After a week, I got 86 comments from the members with various multivitamins of their choice as you can see below...


After compiling the result, there were 37 multivitamins for poultry brands in total.

  • 26 multivitamin brands were mentioned just once.
  • 5 brands were mentioned twice (2) so they shared the 6th position
  • two brands were mentioned thrice(3) and they  shared the 5th position, while
  •  different brands from  4th to 1st positions were mentioned 4, 6, 7, and 9 times respectively.

Curious to know the leading brands?

Check them below!

Also read: Blog post: How to hatch chicks naturally at your backyard farm

 6. The 6th position was shared by 5 brands: Kcvite, Amivit, Miavita, Biovita, and maxiyield.


Improves immunity, appetite, and weight. Improves milk production in dairy cattle. Reduces stress during transportation. Improves nerve and liver functions. Improves skin and coat conditions


(1,000 -1,300)

  • Amivit

Amivit Multivitamin 1L


Amivit solution is a liquid poultry multivitamin highly fortified with electrolytes and amino acids which result in better feed conversion. This enhances maximum growth and also corrects the lack of uniformity in the growth of the flock.

Price: 5,200

  • Miavita

(Vitamins + Trace Elements = Amino Acids)


The high concentration of a wide range of Vitamins, Minerals, and other Trace elements make MIAVIT V.T.A Liquid stand out as the best solution to replace all the deficiencies in your poultry feed as well as provide your birds with the essential strength and nutrients for maximum production.


  • Biovit


  • Prevents deficiency of vitamins.
  • Helps in weight gain and better metabolism.
  • Antioxidant stabilizes the vitamin after adding it to the feed.


250 gm per ton of feed

  • Maxiyeild

Price: 600-800

Used for a stressed condition associated with re-housing, debarking, vaccination, and medication. Maxiyield is also effective for the treatment of vitamin deficiencies, drop in egg production, and also as an adjunct during antibiotic therapy.

Also read:: Fowlpox symptoms, treatment, and prevention

 5th Position

Vitamix and Biovitastress shared the 5th position

  • Biovitastress


  • n excellent anti-stress during vaccination, disease conditions, heat period, heat stress, etc.
  • With added electrolytes (sodium and potassium chloride) for enhanced performance, osmoregulation, detoxification of systems, and improved shell quality.
  • For the prevention and treatment of all micronutrient deficiencies.
  • For improved performance, hatch-ability, and rapid growth.
  • With citric acid for improved gut environment and prevention of the blockage of water lines for increased performance.
  • Contains amino acids that increase the protein supply and improve the efficiency of animal protein production especially during disease conditions.

BIO-VITASTRESS is a special water-soluble supplement containing multivitamins, minerals, amino acids, and electrolytes.
BIO-VITASTRESS has been proven to provide continuous nutritional support as well as reduce stress in poultry and livestock.
  • Vitamix

Price: 2,500-3,000

  • Improve FCR
  • Increase performance and production
  • Prevent vitamin deficiency 
  • Increases resistance power

Also read: Poultry vaccination and schedule for Layers and Broilers

4. The 4th Position goes to Livestovit


Fortified with Methionine & Lysine
Stabilized dispersible, concentrated Antistress Multi-vitamins, and production booster. (Liquid Formula)
LIVESTOVIT® is a highly efficient, complete, and fortified antistress multivitamins tropicalized to meet the African Livestock conditions.

3. The 3rd Position was snatched by Vitalyte

Vitalyte is one of the few I have used, and I can attest to its efficacy.

Price:₦ 1,500 - ₦2,000

Vitalyte Extra is an effective and water-soluble feed supplement necessary to maintain the growth, development, and health status of poultry and livestock.
Vitalyte Extra is a formulation containing vitamins, electrolytes, and amino acids.
  • It is indicated in poultry, cattle, sheep, goats, camels, and horses to aid growth and improve performance.
  • Vitalyte Extra is ideal for use at times of stress as well as combat dehydration.
  • It is also a valuable and effective aid in recovery from disease.

You can get your various Multivitamins for poultry online at afrimash 

2. Amino Total has 7 tallies and came 2nd.

balanced and concentrated formulation of vitamins, amino acids, and trace - elements powder.Packaging: 30g, 150g, 1kg
Indications: PoultryThe decline in performance, stress (changes in diet, climate, transportation, or vaccination ...) or periods of high production (spawning, growth) or convalescence.
Dosage and AdministrationOrally in water in the food or beverage for 5 to 10 days.
Supplement the diet: 1g / 10litres / day (1 pack 150g for 1500 liters of water).Decreased performance stress: 1g / 5 liters of water/day (150 g 1sachet 750litres of water) or 1k / 2 tons of food.

1. Vitamino trace

Here comes our first position, Vitamino trace with 9 tallies. The best poultry  multivitamin in Nigeria


Price: 4,650.00

Vitamino Trace Oral contains a balanced mixture of vitamins, amino acids, and trace elements necessary to combat deficiencies and for improved performance in farm animals.

Vitamino Trace Oral indications:
  • For the treatment and prevention of vitamin deficiencies (weakness in neonates, growth disturbances, anorexia, osteoporosis, disturbances of intestinal flora after long-term antibiotic treatment, poor condition, stress, vaccination, excessive changes in temperature, transport, etc)
  • Thus, it can also be used after the treatment of coccidiosis, worm, bacterial and viral infections in poultry, calves, lambs, and piglets.

You can get your various Multivitamins for poultry online at afrimash 
As  I mentioned earlier, the result was based on the farmers' opinions and choice, no personal influence.
For more details on the case study of the best  poultry multivitamins in Nigeria, click here


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Best Quality Day Old Chicks


Idris salisu 3 years, 4 months ago

Hi there please can I give maxiyield from day old to Chick or is there specific time before given to broilers?

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Samuel Ezenwankwo 3 years, 4 months ago

I preferably use it after two weeks

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Comment awaiting approval 1 year, 10 months ago

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