Nigeria is the largest egg producer in Africa recording an average annual growth rate of 4% between 2000 and 2012 when output reached 640,000 tonnes.
However, the rate flock expansion has slowed around 2.5 % since 2008, reflecting a large increase in input costs and their impact on profitability. With cost and profit in mind, poultry farmers are more knee like never before to source for ways to cut costs and maximize profit.
And one of the steps to ensure that your plans will materialize is by estimating cost and profit for your production.
In my last two posts, I estimated the cost and profit for raising 200 layers for a year and the cost and profit from 100 broilers in 8 weeks. And some of you requested the cost of raising 1000 layers in Nigeria.
So, in this post, I am going to give an estimated cost and profit for raising 1000 layers in Nigeria with an estimated cost of 1000 capacity battery cages. As usual, this article will be divided Into two parts;
So, get your pen, paper and calculator let do some homework
Also read: 10 ways to sell and market your broiler chickens fast that are proven to work
Let assume you have a structure already in place, and the manpower/labor for this number of birds will be done by you, your family, and one employee considering the number of birds.
These are the major expenses
Day old chicks
2 . 5 pieces of plywood for making a brooder @₦2000 = ₦ 10,000
3. 8 bags of charcoal for heating the brooder @ ₦2,700 = ₦ 21,600
4. Brooding charcoal burners @₦ 2500/one = ₦ 12,500
Also read: 8 Things I wish I’d known About Poultry farming. Don't neglect No 7
1 chick feeds 45gms of chick-mash per day
Therefore, 1000 chicks feed 45gms x 1000 = 45000gms
1000gms = 1 kg
There 45000gms = 45kg
Chick-mash is fed to chicken for 60 days
Therefore 60 days x 45kg =2700kg
1 bag = 25kgs =₦ 5,305
108 bags = 2700kg = ₦572,940
Therefore, 1000 chicks will feed on chick-mash for 60 days
(108 bags) = ₦572,840
Thousand layers in woody cages
1 pullet feeds 70gms of grower-mash per day
1000 pullets feed 70gms x 1000 chicks = 70000gms
1000gms = 1kg
Therefore 70000gms = 70kg
Grower mash is fed to chicken up to point of lay (POL)
POL is approximated to be day 120
Day 120 end of grower mash – Day 60 end of chick-mash = 60 days
Therefore 60 days x 70kg =4200kg
1 bag = 25kg =₦4,900
168 bags = 4200kg = ₦823,200
1000 pullets will feed 168 bags of grower mash in 60 days, costing ₦823,200
Mash, crumble and pelleted feed
1 pullet feeds 90gms to 105gms of layer-mash per day
90gms at the start of laying and 105gms at maximum
mash on average (90 +105)gms/2 = 97.5gms
Therefore, 1000 pullets feed 97.5gms x 1000 =97500gms
1000gms = 1kg
Therefore, 97500gms = 97.5kg
Layers mash is fed to chicken up to menopause (week 72 or day 504)
POL is approximately to be day 120
Day 504 ( end of layers mash ) – Day 120 (start of layers mash )= 384 days
Therefore 384 days x 97.5kg = 37440kg
1 bag = 25kg = ₦5,465
1497.6 bags = 37440kg =₦8,184,384
Cost for layer mash for 1000 pullets for 384 days =₦8,184,384
Approximately 1498 bags of layers mash will feed 1000 layers for 384 days
Also read: Fowl pox symptoms, treatment and prevention
1000 doses of Newcastle Disease (ND) IB Lasota strain = ₦2,150
1000 doses of ND Lasota plain = ₦1,550
1000 doses of Gumboro = ₦ 2,040
1000 doses 0f intermediate Gumboro = ₦1,480
1000 doses of fowl pox = ₦1,300
The Total cost for vaccine = ₦ 8,520
The total cost of Vitamin and Antibiotics for 1000 pullets is =
Also read: How To Star a Profitable Layer Poultry Farming In Nigeria
Total cost for the drinker, feeder, and wood shavings = 108,000
Tube Drinker and feeder
₦10,000/month for 1 year and a half (18 months)
Therefore 10000 x 18 = ₦ 180,000
Total cost in words = DOT + Plywood + charcoal + charcoal burner + Chick-mash + Grower mash + Layers mash + Vaccine + Vitamins and Antibiotics + Finder. Drinker and Wood shavings.
Total cost in figures =350,000 + 10,000 + 21,600 +12,500 +
572, 840 + 823,200 + 8,184,384 +8,520 +27,100 +108,200 +180,000 =
Kindly note that these are the major costs. The majority are capital costs, meaning they shall not be incurred in subsequent production.
Moreover, you can cut down costs if you can improvise some of this equipment and materials like cartoons, wood shavings, feeders, and even drinkers too.
In total you need at least =₦10,298,344
You do not need all this cash at a go to start; you may even need a quarter. So don’t be scared by the huge sum of money ok, just start before you know it you see yourself overcoming the challenges. Start Now!
Ok, it is time to reap the fruits of our labour. You have done a great job so far, now let look into the profit from 1000 layers.
Note: In part one we estimated the cost of rearing 1000 layers up to week 72. Here our profit margins shall be as well up to 72 weeks.
Let get down to it:
A bird starts laying between week 18 and week 22.
From week 18 and week 22, the cumulative egg per bird is approximated to be 329 eggs
Remember not all birds will survive to week 72.
Therefore cumulative mortality at week 72 is assumed to be 4% when all factors are held optimum.
Thus cumulative mortality shall be, 1000 x 4/100 = 40
Total laying birds = 1000 – 40 = 960
Total eggs = 960 x 329= 315,840 eggs
1 egg = ₦40 (farm gate price)
Therefore 315,840x 40 = ₦12,633,600
Total sales of eggs from 960 layers is =₦12,633,600
Year 1 (Profit)
Total sales – Total Cost = Profit
₦(12,633,600 - 10,298,344 ) = ₦2,335,256 (Approximately $5,696)
Profit amount from 1000 layers is two million three hundred thirty-five thousand, two hundred and fifty-six naira (₦2,335,256) Wow! This what I call ‘poultry oil well’. Imagine if feeds and medications are not as expensive as it is now in the market, I bet, you can make 50% of your investment as profit.
In conclusion, poultry farming is no doubt a profitable business especially when done right. The major threat here is the high cost of feed which has caused the slow down flock expansion and forced some poultry farmers to empty and close down their farms.
However, as I stated earlier, you can cut down your expenses by improvising some of this equipment from cheaper materials.
You can also formulate your feed to cut down your expenses to at least 30% or 40%, which is the main cause of high input in poultry farming.
Again, you can also make extra profit and take care of other minor expenses after selling them off as old layers. They are sold between ₦1700 to ₦2000 depending on the age, size, and season.
You can now order online for your quality day old chicks, best poultry feed, and other poultry equipment@Afrimash and have them delivered at your farm.
PS: Cost for 1000 Capacity Battery cage
locally fabricated cage
Locally fricated
96 capacity = ₦ 68,000
120 capacity = ₦ 75,000
128 capacity = ₦80,000
Divide the number of birds by each cages’ capacity, then you will know how many unities you have to buy.
Thefore for 1000 layers you will have;
So you can choose the amount that best fits your taste and budget
I am wishing you a profitable poultry farming as you venture into egg production.
Please, comment and share with family and friends.
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Charles Dunu 4 years ago
I am highly impressed and encouraged by your intellectual write up. In fact I have not been confident enough to venture in but after reading your analysis I will start soon, Thanks for making my day
Link | ReplySamuel Ezenwankwo 4 years ago
Thank you Charles.Comment like this keeps me going.
Link | ReplyMoses 4 years ago
I enjoyed reading through. However, the cost of feeds is currently double the estimate used. I would love to venture into large scale egg production, but the current inflation is so discouraging.
Link | ReplySamuel Ezenwankwo 4 years ago
You are right about the feed. That is the plights Poultry farming now. Every Business has its trying time. We shall all survive...
Link | ReplyGideon Olukoya 4 years ago
You are highly intelligent and a good teacher you are. I'm not scared anymore..
Link | ReplyPlease I will need the precedure on how to go about it from day old to point of manopause.
Thanks God bless you
Samuel Ezenwankwo 4 years ago
Thanks for the compliment Gideon. I am glad you have taken a bold step to start. Please email at [email protected].
Link | ReplySandra ozah 4 years ago
This is very impressive and encouraging.. Am even in calabar. So automatically you have become my consultant... Thanks alot
Link | ReplySamuel Ezenwankwo 4 years ago
I am glad you find it helpful Sandra.
Link | ReplyDavies Tosin 4 years ago
This is a brilliant article i must commend.
Link | Replypersonally though I was adding some little additional figure to what you gave out in case of sligth price change. Also personel price might be double as well as mortality.
Samuel Ezenwankwo 4 years ago
You are welcome. I could have done the same Tosin
Link | ReplyHeunicah Ventures 3 years, 11 months ago
Very impressive, comprehensive and straight forward analysis. More wisdom from God
Link | ReplySamuel Ezenwankwo 3 years, 11 months ago
Thank you for reading Venture.
Link | ReplyMufutau Kareem 3 years, 11 months ago
Thanks for the detailed information, very interesting and educative. I have some few clarifications: 1. As a new comer in the industry is it advisable to start with day old or POL? 2. What is the estimated cost for the pen House? 3. Where is your location?
Link | ReplyThanks.
Samuel Ezenwankwo 3 years, 11 months ago
You're welcome Kazeem. You can start with any one with the proper guidance. email me at [email protected] for more details.
Link | ReplyEmkel 3 years, 10 months ago
This is well articulated and informative. Thanks for sharing.
Link | ReplyFolashade Oyekanmi 3 years, 10 months ago
Thanks for taking time out to give this detailed information. I learnt a lot. But, some eggs at first droppings ( may be up to a week) are so tiny that you may not be able to sell out, or you sell so cheap. Was this taking into consideration pls?
Link | ReplySamuel Ezenwankwo 3 years, 10 months ago
I am glad you find it helpful.
Link | ReplyHowever, with regards to the egg size, active laying starts between 20 to 21 weeks to 70 to 72 weeks- this range is the Peak weeks, while 16 to 19 is pre-peak where eggs are normally small, and 72 to 80 is post-peak where eggs are big and the quantity small.
So, to some extent, my estimation is still ok assuming the pre-peak and post-peak canceled out
TK 3 years, 10 months ago
Very good analysis. Well done, however I think there is an error in the profit calculation as 960*329 = 315,840 * 40 = N12,633,600 as against 376,320 which affects the returns, please cross-check. Thanks
Link | ReplySamuel Ezenwankwo 3 years, 10 months ago
Thank you very much, TK for your correction. Correction made.
Link | ReplyEnoch007 3 years, 10 months ago
I m really impressed by your cleared explanation this is surely encouraging me to kick start my poultry farm I had wanted to start with catfish farming cause that where I have more interest & understanding.
Link | ReplyWith they way you have explained this I guess starting with layers will be good for me. Many thanks to you
Samuel Ezenwankwo 3 years, 10 months ago
I am glad you find it helpful, Enoch. I am wishing you a successful poultry farming.
Link | ReplyHelen Akhidenor 3 years, 9 months ago
Nice one here, detail and precise. God bless you
Link | ReplySamuel Ezenwankwo 3 years, 9 months ago
Thanks, Helen
Link | ReplyNDIANABASI SAM 3 years, 9 months ago
Brilliant write-up,am encouraged to start soon. God bless.
Link | ReplySamuel Ezenwankwo 3 years, 9 months ago
That will be great. Thanks for reading
Link | ReplyLucky 3 years, 9 months ago
I want my own poultry farm and I need your direction
Link | ReplySamuel Ezenwankwo 3 years, 9 months ago
I will contact you, Lucky.
Link | ReplySaratu p 3 years, 8 months ago
This is amazing. Thank you.
Link | ReplyTonia Oti 3 years, 7 months ago
I am indeed impressed and encouraged by your write up remain lifted. Thanks a bunch.
Link | ReplyOGADI FARMS 3 years, 4 months ago
Very valuable information. Thanks very very much. Not sure if this locally manufactured cages are still prized at that rate you published.
Link | ReplySamuel Ezenwankwo 3 years, 4 months ago
I am glad you find it valuable, Ogadi. Of course I have to update the cage price. Thanks
Link | ReplyComment awaiting approval 3 years, 1 month ago
Comment awaiting approval 3 years, 2 months ago
Ifeanyi 3 years, 2 months ago
I will like to start but I need more details on it though I'm not in Nigeria right now I'm in Denmark but planning to start a poultry farmer in my country Nigeria I really need help Nwanne 🙏
Link | ReplySamuel Ezenwankwo 3 years, 1 month ago
Wish you all the best when you start. You can send me an email anytime, ok.
Link | Replybuike vina 3 years, 1 month ago
Aha! Simple, yet the most comprehensively expressed analysis i have seen on poultry...Thank you my friend! Am motivated!
Link | ReplyComment awaiting approval 2 years, 5 months ago
Hyelanaati Levi Deyin 2 years, 1 month ago
Honestly I'm so grateful for this info I found. So detailed and comprehensive! I would love to to start the business by April- may. The inflation rate not withstanding, God Almighty is my help. Pls I need you to mentor me in this business. Thanks
Link | ReplyAyemere Itepu 2 years ago
Reassuring, and mostly, a time saver. Thanks
Link | ReplyBabatunde Danmegoro 1 year, 9 months ago
I was highly educated by your write up, in fact this has assisted in my poultry farming proposal. Thank you.
Link | ReplyDennis Eberechukwu 1 year, 9 months ago
God bless you sir. please your phone number
Link | ReplyComment awaiting approval 1 year, 9 months ago
Comment awaiting approval 1 year, 8 months ago
Comment awaiting approval 1 year, 6 months ago
Comment awaiting approval 1 month, 2 weeks ago
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