Color Your Egg Basket: Discover Chicken Breeds Lay Beautiful Blue Eggs!"

Posted by: Samuel Ezenwankwo 1 year, 10 months ago/ (0 comments)

Unveil the world of chicken breeds that lay captivating blue eggs, infusing your egg collection with a touch of uniqueness. From Ameraucanas to Araucanas, Cream Legbars to Marans, and Olive Eggers to Welsummers, each breed exudes its own charm. Delve into the genetic wonders behind these vibrant egg layers and nurture extraordinary chickens. Prepare for an egg basket transformation like never before!

Welcome to our guide to blue-egg-laying chicken breeds! You've come to the right place if you want to give your egg basket some vibrant color.

A fascinating and one-of-a-kind addition to any backyard flock is blue egg layers. In this article, we'll investigate the hereditary

qualities behind blue eggs, acquaint you with a few famous chicken varieties known for their blue egg creation, and give important

hints on caring for these brilliant layers. Let's get started and learn more about the world of blue-egg-laying chickens!

blue chicken eggs

Understanding The Chicken Breeds That Lay Blue Eggs:

An Overview of Uniquely Colored Eggs Blue eggs is a delightful deviation from the usual white and brown eggs found in grocery stores.

Your daily egg collection gains a touch of novelty and beauty from the blue color.

The captivating hues range from light blue to sky blue and even blue-green tones. However, what gives these eggs their

distinctive color? Let's investigate the underlying genetics of blue egg layers.

The Blue Eggs' Genetics:

Investigating the Pigments and Characteristics, the pigment oocyanin is what gives these eggs their blue color.

During the final stages of the egg's formation, this pigment is deposited on the surface of the eggshell.

The blue hue that sets these eggs apart from others is caused by the presence of oocyanin. Since blue egg production genes are inherited, choosing the right breed of chicken is essential.

Top Chicken Breeds That Lay Blue Egg :

1. Ameraucana:

Ameraucuna Chicken

A Selection of Bright Colors Ameraucanas are renowned for their distinctive blue eggs and gentle dispositions, making them the

Iconic Blue Egg Layer with Personality.

These chickens have fluffy cheeks, come in a variety of colors, have beards, and wear muffs. They are highly sought after by

chicken enthusiasts due to their consistent blue eggs.


Araucuna chicken breed

These Chickens Lay Blue Eggs Araucanas hail from South America and are the direct heirs of Chile's indigenous chickens.

They have distinctive ear tufts and can lay blue eggs in a variety of shades, from light pastel to deeper blue.

They make a wonderful addition to any flock because they are hardy and active.

Cream Legbar:

Cream legbar chicken breed

Cream Legbars are known for their sky-blue eggs and charming crests, making them a dual-purpose breed.

These birds are incredible layers as well as a good choice for a decent stock of meat. Their cordial nature and lovely blue eggs make them a popular choice for backyard chicken keepers.

Also Read: Eggs Like Jewels: Top 7 Chicken Breeds That Lay Speckled Eggs


 Maran chicken breed

 Known for Dark Chocolate-Colored Eggs, Some Lay Blue as Well. Marans are renowned for their dark chocolate-colored eggs,

which frequently resemble chocolate. However, some Marans may occasionally surprise you with blue eggs

.These chickens are not devoted blue egg layers, but rather their eggs add a thrilling component of shock to your egg crate.

Eggers, Olive:

Olive Eggers chicken

Olive Eggers are the result of crossbreeding between blue egg layers and dark brown egg layers, producing

beautiful blue-green eggs. The olive and blue-green shades of these hybrids' eggs are stunning. They are well-known for their

docile personalities and capacity to produce eggs of distinctive hues.


Welsummer chicken

Welsummers are known for their deep, terra cotta-colored eggs, which occasionally include a blue surprise.

While most Welsummers are best known for their brown eggs, there are some that can occasionally produce blue eggs.

They are a popular choice for backyard flocks due to their sturdy appearance and dependable egg production.

Also Read:What Chickens are best for eggs ? ( Here are my 11 best laying breeds)

blue chicken eggs

Caring for Blue Egg Layers:

Housing, Diet, and General Tips

Now that you're familiar with some of the chicken breeds that lay blue eggs, let's delve into the essential aspects of caring for these beautiful blue egg layers


It is essential to provide a safe and comfortable environment when housing blue egg layers. Make sure that your coop is big

enough to hold all of your chickens and give them plenty of room to move around.

They can lay their eggs in nesting boxes that

have soft bedding. Ensure the coop is very much ventilated, predator-proof, and has access to clean fresh water and food always.


A nutritious eating routine plays a vital role in guaranteeing ideal egg creation and shell quality. Like all chickens, blue egg layers require a well-balanced diet that

includes high-quality layer feed.

For healthy eggshell formation, add fresh fruits, vegetables, and calcium-rich treats like crushed oyster shells or eggshells to their diet. Your chickens should

always have access to clean water to stay hydrated.

General Advice

Clean and check the nesting boxes on a regular basis to keep them clean and stop the spread of bacteria.

To help your chickens keep their feathers clean and free of parasites, provide them with a dust bath area.

If at all possible, let your chickens roam free because it encourages their natural foraging behavior and can boost their diet's nutritional value.

Routinely screen your blue egg layers for any indications of sickness or uneasiness, and look for veterinary advice in serious cases.

Your chickens' well-being will be ensured if you provide them with sufficient protection from adverse weather conditions.

Incubating Blue Egg Layers:

Raising Chicks and Incubation If you want to grow your flock or hatch blue egg layers from eggs, incubation is a great option. Gather eggs from your blue egg

layers and cautiously place them in a clean, appropriately aligned hatchery.

During the incubation period, regularly monitor the eggs and adhere to the incubator's temperature and humidity settings. When the chicks hatch, give them a

warm brooder, proper chick feed, and a safe space to develop until they are prepared to join the remainder of the herd.

Also Read: 10 Reasons your Chickens Are Not Laying Eggs And How to Fix It.

Blue-egg-laying chickens: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Are blue eggs safe to eat?

Blue eggs, in fact, are perfectly safe to consume. The egg's taste and nutritional value are unaffected by the blue color of the shell.

Could blue egg layers lay eggs of different colors?

Blue egg layers are predisposed to laying blue eggs by genetics. Blue eggs are the primary specialty of some breeds, though they may occasionally lay eggs of other colors.

Are blue egg layers any different from other chickens in terms of the care they require?

In most cases, blue egg layers require the same level of care as other chicken breeds. However, for their well-being, it is essential to consider their specific

nutritional requirements and provide suitable housing.

Can blue egg layers be kept alongside other types of chicken?

Other breeds of chicken can be kept with blue egg layers without any problems. Simply make certain that the breeds you select are compatible in temperament and size.


Introducing Blue Egg Layers to Your Flock Adds a touch of novelty and beauty to your egg collection.

Each breed has its own charm and the pleasure of collecting stunning blue eggs, whether you choose Ameraucanas,

Araucanas, Cream Legbars, Marans, Olive Eggers, or Welsummers. You will be rewarded with not only colorful eggs but also

the delightful presence of these charming blue egg layers if you remember to provide them with proper care, a diet that is well-

balanced, and a secure environment.

Take pleasure in the process of raising these extraordinary chickens and

the vibrant produce they produce for you!

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