Poultry vaccination and schedule in Nigeria for layers and broilers

Posted by: Samuel Ezenwankwo 4 years, 5 months ago/ (4 comments)

Poultry Vaccination is the first line of action in preventing poultry diseases, especially in Nigeria where highly pathogenic poultry diseases are prevalent. The prevalency of poultry diseases differs between regions/countries. 

This is because some environmental factors like temperature and farmers' practices influence the distribution of these pathogens. Therefore it is pertinent you make use of a poultry vaccination schedule that suits your country/region.  

In Nigeria however, most farmers in rural areas don’t vaccinate their birds, the few who do, don’t follow standard vaccination procedures, and such practices could lead to vaccine failure as well as creating a breeding ground for endemic poultry diseases such as Newcastle disease, coccidiosis, Infectious bursal disease (IBD), Marek, Salmonella, etc. 

 Nevertheless, in vaccinating your birds in Nigeria, you should make sure in the first 4 week

  • You vaccinate against the major diseases: ND, IBD, Marek, Salmonella. For the early onset of immunity to ensure protection.


  • In the next 10 weeks vaccinate against ND, IB, AE, Coryza, fowlpox, ILT, EDS, Salmonella- some of these vaccines may not be compulsory at this stage, except the disease is endemic or prevalent in your area.


  • Correct intervals between the various vaccinations are required. Find out from your supplier/hatchery, Instructions for vaccination. 

The poultry vaccination schedule below is what I am using, and my birds have been doing just fine. But you should ask from your hatchery, most hatcheries in Nigeria have their vaccination schedules/programs with a slight difference in the time of administration.


Vaccination Schedule For Layers in Nigeria

Age Vaccine Route
Day 1 Marek's disease  Given at the Hatchery 
Day 9 - 14 Newcastle disease Drinking water, eye drop
Infectious Bronchitis (IBV) Drinking water
Day 14 Infectious bursal disease (Gumboro) Drinking water
Day 28 Infectious bursal disease (Gumboro) Drinking water
week 4 Newcastle disease Drinking water or eye drop
'' Infectious bronchitis (IBV) drinking water
Week 8 Fowlpox Wing web jab
'' Avian Encephalomyelitis (AE)  Wing web jam
Week 9 Infectious Coryza 1 Intramuscular
week 10 - 11 NDV ( Komarov Strain)  Intramuscular
Week 12 Infectious Coryza 2 Intramuscular
'' Infectious Bronchitis (IBV) Drinking water
Week 16 Laryngotracheitis Spray or drop
week 17 ND + IB + EDS    3 in one Intramuscular vaccine


Optional: Repeat Lasota every month and deworm every 2 months

Vaccination Schedule For Broilers in Nigeria


Age vaccine/medication Route
Hatching day Marek's disease Given at the hatchery
Day 1-5 Antibiotics + Vitamins Water
Day 1  Infectious bronchitis Beak dip
Day 9 1st IBD (Gumboro) water or eye drop
Day 12      Newcastle (Lasota) water
Day 16 2nd IBD (Gumboro) Water
Day 28 NB + IB Water
Day 32 Fowl Pox Wing Web

Source: Adapted from Amo Farm Sieberer Hatchery Limited.

Optional: Give Coccidiostat every week


For general poultry vaccination  schedule for layers and broilers, read Poultry Vaccination


Vaccination is incomplete without proper bio-security measures; I can confidently say that no farmer can get the best protection by implementing only one of these practices.

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I wish you a successful poultry vaccination program


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